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Mathematics-Online lexicon:

Linear Program

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z overview

A linear program is an optimization problem with linear cost function,

$\displaystyle c^{\operatorname t} x\longrightarrow \min \,,

equality constraints and non-negative unknowns

$\displaystyle Ax=b \,, \quad x \geq 0 \,.

Usually, it is assumed that the $ m \times n$ matrix $ A$ has full rank $ m \leq n$. This can always be achieved by removing redundant constraints.

General linear constraints

$\displaystyle P y = q \,, \quad R y \leq s

for unknowns $ y_i$ can be brought into the above standard form by introducing auxiliary variables. We write $ y$ as the difference of two non-negative vectors,

$\displaystyle y=u-v \,, \quad u \geq 0 \,, \; v \geq 0 \,,

and introduce non-negative slack variables $ w$ to remove the inequality constraints. More precisely, $ Ry-s \leq 0$ is replaced by

$\displaystyle Ry -s+w =0 \,, \quad w \geq 0 \,,

where $ Ry = Ru - Rv$.
(Authors: Höllig/Pfeil/Walter)

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  automatically generated 4/24/2007